23 January 2009

Berinspirasi, Berusaha, Teruskan Hidup ~ Erti Penuh Bermakna

Hurmm pg td dpt emel dr HR manager aku..hihi emel yg foward2 nih la..hurmmm so touching bila aku tgk video yg sungguh bermkna ni...adusss mengalir air mata bila tgk...sgt memilukan dan serta merta terkenangkan mama n abah..nasib baik dh nak balik esk..!!

Marilah kita sama2 menghargai apa yg kita ada...sayangi semuanya..masa depan xde sapa pun yg tahu apa akn terjd pada kita...kasih n syg tuh sbnrnya perasaan yg perlu disentuh dgn hati nurani yg begitu suci n murni...I LOVE MY DAD ~

This is a True Story!

Son asked his father, "Dad, would you be willingly to run a marathon with me?"
The father, despite his age and a heart disease, said YES. They ran that marathon together.
The son asks, "Dad, can you run another marathon with me?", again the father said 'YES'..
They ran another marathon, together.

One day the son asked his father, "Dad, would you please do the Iron Man with me?" ( Now, just in case you don't know, 'The Iron Man' is the toughest triathlon in existence - 4km swimming, then 180 km by bike, and finally another 42 km running, all in one race. ) Again the father said 'YES'

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