11 January 2011

Pixa Of The Day ~

Luv This Pixa
~Credit to Mr. and Mrs. Model ~
Good Job to Mr. Lensa
Bingo to Miss Rafizah for the brilliant creation
***** maaf post ini bertujuan untuk memuji diri sendiri...sekian... *****

Encik Otro Nuai with his beloved wife Puan Nurul

10 January 2011

Half of ten...Thank You Allah

He already 5 mon years old..
Makin bam bam
Makin tomei
Makin berat
Makin buas
Makin byk kerenah yang sgt sweet make I and my luvly hubby x leh duk berjauhan with him...every moments asyik think of him...
He now on learning to talk...wooo wooo wooo je mulot tu x diam...klu dia bercakap..either I or Anep must respond to him..if not he will scream as loud as he can...hahahha but we enjoy the precious moment...

Lets enjoy his 5 months celebration hahahah (celebration ke?) no lah just pixa of him and experiences his first vid on the lime !!

Enjoy this Video !!